Transaction Validation

Each transaction sent to cluster needs to be validated before proposing it to block/consensus. Part of code responsible for validation is in TransactionValidator.scala.

Source signature validation

Sender needs to sign transaction by using his private key. Signature of transaction needs to ensure following things:

  • transaction has been signed by known sender
  • sender can't deny signing the transaction
  • nobody altered transaction

Validation checks in collection of validation signatures about the edge called signatureBatch if there is such address which equals source address and compares hash with signaturesHash

Destination address validation

Valid destination wallet address (receiver of tokens) must match the following conditions:

  • Can't be empty
  • Must have DAG prefix
  • Must have at least 30 characters length
  • Must be different from source address

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The validation of address emptiness happens in validateEmptyDestinationAddress which just checks if address is not empty. In case of failure it returns EmptyDestinationAddress validation result. If address is not empty then validateDestinationAddress is triggered which checks the prefix, length and compares source address with destination address. In case of failure it returns InvalidDestinationAddress.

Token amount validation

Each transaction contains information about number of tokens to transfer from source address to destination address. The way of validating amount of token differs between dummy and non-dummy transactions.

When dummy transaction fails:

  • Number of tokens different than 0. It is because dummy transaction should not change any of balances so 0 is expected there. In case of failure it returns NonZeroAmount validation result.

When non-dummy transaction fails:

  • 0 tokens, in opposite to dummy transaction we must provide positive number of tokens. It causes NonPositiveAmount.
  • Negative number of tokens. It causes NonPositiveAmount as well.
  • Number of tokens bigger than maximum value of Long which causes OverflowAmount validation result.

Amount is validated in validateAmount method.

Fee validation

For fee, we apply similar validation rules as we apply to non-dummy transactions. Transaction does not need to have fee at all but if it exits it can't be:

  • Equal to 0 (because then transaction should not include fee at all). It causes NonPositiveAmount.
  • Negative number of tokens. It causes NonPositiveAmount as well.

Duplicated transaction validation

Each transaction is unique (identified by unique hash) so sending same transaction twice should fail. Each of nodes stores list of already accepted transactions and sending already accepted one fails with HashDuplicateFound. Validation is being triggered in validateDuplicate method.

Last transaction reference validation

All transactions sent from particular source address form chain structure where each transaction stores a reference to previous transaction (lastTxRef field). There is also ordinal field which stores ordinal number which is the index of transaction according to the order.

That being said all the transactions need to form a chain by keeping reference to previous transaction and incrementing the ordinal number. The only exception for that statement is the very first transaction because it must have lastTxRef empty (because there is no previous transaction) and ordinal set to 0 (because we start indexing from 0).

Each of nodes stores information about last accepted transaction for each wallet address and validates received one against it. Validation happens in validateLastTransactionRef and checks couple of things depending on if it is first transaction or one of next ones.

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For very first transaction:

  • if lastTxRef is empty
  • if ordinal is set to 0

For each next transaction:

  • if lastTxRef is not empty
  • if lastTxRef points to last accepted transaction for that address (to check if transaction chain has no gaps)
  • if ordinal has been incremented properly (it should be +1 to previous ordinal number)