In order to implement a state channel, one has to use the following Cell
abstract class Cell[M[_]: Monad, F[_]: Traverse, A, B, C](
data: A,
algebra: AlgebraM[M, F, B],
coalgebra: CoalgebraM[M, F, C]
) extends Topos[A, B] {
protected def hyloM(implicit input: A => C) = scheme.hyloM(algebra, coalgebra).apply(input(data))
There are following type parameters:
The very first type M[_]
is required to be a Monad
. State channels can execute some side effects
and due to that fact it needs to encapsulate these effects inside a monad.
The second type F[_]
is required to be a Functor
This is a structure used for executing state channel recursion.
For L0 consensus and L1 consensus implementations, it's a StackF
case class which is explained below.
is a data holder. To create a Cell
one has to provide a data which will be consumed by the state channel.
These data are stored inside the Cell for later execution.
is the algebra output (see: Catamorpism and algebra)
is the coalgebra input (see: Anamorphism and coalgebra)
The common stack is a well-known idea. In the context of an execution chain, the stack consists of two things:
either some work to do More(work)
or a computed result Done(result)
is an implementation of that idea using recursion schemes:
trait StackF[A]
case class More[A](a: A) extends StackF[A]
case class Done[A](result: Either[CellError, Ω]) extends StackF[A]
where the job to do is parametrized by type. The result has strict type Either[CellError, Ω]
as the output from the state channel is either an error of computation or a terminal object.
The following idea allows to write an algebra and coalgebra working at a single step of state channel and then
repetitively execute the Cell passing output of the first execution as input to the second execution, until Done(result)
is returned.
Algebra and Coalgebra for StackF structure
It is pretty straightforward to write an implementation of StackF
Most of the parts are common between state channels so ideally this will be extracted and used as a plug-in code.
Algebra is used for proxying inner value work
or result
from types More(work)
and passing it to the output.
Coalgebra is a termination condition for the execution chain - it reacts on a single or multiple classes to return Done
For every other type it executes repetitively the inner algebra and coalgebra for single steps.
Inner Algebra and Coalgebra - for single execution step
This part is responsible for the core logic of a state channel.
Coalgebra consists of all steps used by a Cell and holds the execution order. Algebra is a fold operation which reduces the ending type to the output terminal object.